The Impact of Video Assistant Referee (VAR) in Soccer

In the constantly evolving landscape of soccer, the introduction of the Video Assistant Referee (VAR) system six years ago marked a significant technological leap. Prior to 2017, the referee's word was law, with their decisions deemed final and unchallengeable during the heat of the match. This all changed with the introduction of VAR, an innovation aimed at minimizing glaring human errors and ensuring fairness in the game—a concept that had begun taking shape with the adoption of goal-line technology in 2012.

The Genesis and Evolution of VAR

The primary objective of VAR is straightforward yet ambitious: to correct obvious mistakes by referees that could alter the course of a game. While the intent behind VAR is to bring about a fairer outcome, its implementation has not been without controversy. Critics argue that it disrupts the flow of the game, while proponents see it as a necessary layer of scrutiny that upholds the integrity of the sport. Despite differing opinions, there's no denying that VAR adds a significant dimension to modern soccer, influencing not just outcomes but also how the game is discussed among fans and analyzed by pundits.

Notable Moments Before VAR

The necessity for VAR becomes glaringly apparent when revisiting soccer's history, which is replete with controversies that could have potentially been resolved with such technology. One of the most notable is the case of Jose Mourinho, whose career trajectory was arguably influenced by a contentious match in 2004. Similarly, the 2002 World Cup was marked by a missed penalty call that disadvantaged the United States, illustrating the far-reaching impact of referee decisions.

The list goes on. The 2010 World Cup was marred by an offside goal controversy in the match between Argentina and Mexico. In domestic leagues, Manchester City's 2011-12 Premier League title chase and Arsenal's "Invincibles" season were both instances where VAR could have played a decisive role due to contentious decisions. Moreover, historical disputes such as Geoff Hurst's debated goal in the 1966 World Cup final and a questionable penalty save during the 1999 Women's World Cup final highlight the long-standing need for a system like VAR.

The Impact of VAR on Soccer

The introduction of VAR brought about a paradigm shift in how referees' decisions are perceived and, by extension, how the game is played and governed. With VAR, officials are no longer the sole bearers of the burden in making potentially career-altering calls. This system allows for a more distributed decision-making process, potentially reducing the pressure on individual referees and aiming for a more balanced and fair judgment.

However, VAR's implementation is a delicate tightrope walk between preserving the human element of officiating and leveraging technological precision. Critics often point out that soccer is a game defined by its moments—be it through acts of brilliance, scenes of agony, or the sheer unpredictability that captivates millions. There's a fear that over-reliance on technology could sanitize the game, stripping it of the controversial decisions that, for better or worse, have sparked debates that last decades.

Yet, supporters argue that VAR does not detract from the sport's essence but rather preserves its integrity by ensuring that the outcomes of matches are not determined by officiating oversights. The system’s objective is not to eliminate controversy but to ensure that controversies are based on the game's dynamics rather than questionable calls. Soccer, with its blend of unpredictability and spectacle, remains as enthralling as ever, with VAR adding a new layer of narrative and discussion around fairness and the impact of technology on traditional sports.


As we look back on the six years since VAR was introduced to soccer, it is clear that the system has profoundly impacted the sport. From altering the outcomes of pivotal games to reshaping discussions around fairness and technology in sports, VAR remains a topic of heated debate. Yet, regardless of one's stance on VAR, it is undeniable that the system reflects soccer's ongoing evolution in embracing technological advancements while striving to maintain the essence of the game. As the sport continues to grow and change, VAR will undoubtedly play a pivotal role in shaping its future, preserving the beautiful game's integrity while embracing the unpredictability that makes soccer the world's most beloved sport.