IOC Searches for New Boxing Governing Body for 2028 Olympics

The International Olympic Committee (IOC) is in the process of searching for a new governing body to oversee boxing, aiming to ensure its continuation in the 2028 Los Angeles Olympics. This search for a new steward comes in the wake of the IOC's decision to remove the International Boxing Association (IBA) from its role for both the delayed Tokyo 2021 and the upcoming Paris Olympic Games.

The Court of Arbitration for Sport has recently confirmed the IOC's decision to de-recognize the IBA, further solidifying the IOC's stance. The roots of this drastic action lie in the criticism leveled by the IOC towards the IBA's leadership, which is predominantly Russian, for employing threatening language. Additionally, concerns surrounding governance issues within the IBA have propelled the IOC to distance itself from the association in organizing Olympic boxing tournaments.

Despite the turbulent situation, the IOC remains committed to keeping boxing as a part of the Olympics, emphasizing the sport's universal appeal and its significant social inclusivity. However, to achieve this, the IOC has highlighted the urgent need to find a reliable International Federation (IF) to partner with, aiming to solidify this partnership by early 2025 at the latest.

A New Hope: World Boxing

Amidst this upheaval, a new faction named World Boxing has emerged, rallying members from 27 countries. This faction has already begun hosting tournaments, signaling its serious intent to help maintain boxing's cherished position in the Olympic fold. World Boxing's emergence is seen as a crucial step towards securing boxing's future in the Olympics, offering hope amid the uncertainty surrounding the sport's governance.

Meanwhile, the IBA is considering its next steps carefully, contemplating an appeal to the Swiss supreme court against the ruling of the Court of Arbitration for Sport. The IBA argues that its recent efforts to reform and improve governance have been unjustly overlooked, suggesting that the decision to de-recognize it was based on a biased perspective.

Voices from the Boxing Community

A representative from the IOC underscored the importance of boxing in the Olympics, stating, "Because of the universality and high social inclusivity of boxing, the IOC wants it to continue to feature on the program of the Olympic Games." They further expressed the urgent need for a new, recognized, and reliable International Federation partner to keep boxing on the Olympic program for LA 2028. The IOC's insistence on finding a suitable partner highlights the governance standards expected of sports associations within the Olympic movement.

World Boxing, on the other hand, has called attention to the pressing timeline, urging members of the boxing community to join and support their efforts. "This is an urgent situation and the clock is ticking," said a representative from World Boxing, emphasizing the critical nature of the efforts to ensure boxing's future in the Olympics. They further solicited support, stating, "We urge everyone that cares about boxers and the future of the sport to apply to join and support World Boxing in its efforts to ensure boxing remains at the heart of the Olympic Movement, before it is too late."

In defense of its position, the IBA lamented the disregard of its reform efforts, with a representative commenting, "The IBA feels that disregarding these and other improvements suggests a biased view." Such statements reflect the deep rift between the IBA and the entities that wish to take boxing in a new direction under the Olympic umbrella.

The search for a new governing body for Olympic boxing marks a critical juncture for the sport, underlining the need for governance that aligns with the Olympic spirit of integrity, inclusivity, and excellence. As the IOC and new factions like World Boxing navigate these challenging waters, the global boxing community watches closely, hopeful for a resolution that ensures the sport's vibrant future at the heart of the Olympic movement.